•Botox injection and fillers should be performed no less than 4 weeks prior. They can alter the position of your brows and texture of your skin.
•Must not be on Antibiotics
•Absolutely no Anti-aging and/or Anti-acne products
•No Retin A within 30 days of treatment (No Accutane within one year of treatment)
•No Surgery of any kind
•Do NOT use a tanning bed 2 weeks prior. If you have a sunburn at the time of the appointment, you will be rescheduled and forfeit your deposit.
• Avoid alcohol or caffeine (soda, coffee, etc.) 24 hours prior!
• Avoid blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, aspirin, Aleve, NSAIDS, vitamin E, fish oil or vitamins unless medically necessary 48-72 hours before. Must get dr. note if on prescribed blood thinners.
• if you’ve ever experience a cold sore or fever, please take precaution and take anti-viral medication to prevent activation of cold sores. Tattooing in that area can sometimes trigger the virus which can affect color retention.
• Gently exfoliate your lips 2 days prior to your procedure, 2x/day (you could use sugar and coconut oil mixture for a natural exfoliate). Dry lips will cause the ink to not be absorbed.
• Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water (the first sign of dehydration is dry lips)
• Avoid alcohol and caffeine!! (soda, coffee, etc.)
• Please hydrate and eat a light meal.
• Avoid intense physical activity (light yoga and walking are ok)
• You can wear your normal makeup on the day of your procedure
• It’s encouraged to bring your favorite lipsticks and/or lipliner
After care
• Apply a thin layer of ointment (provided by me) to your brows 2-3 times a day for the first week.
• Do not pick, scratch, or rub your lips.
• Avoid sun exposure, tanning beds, and excessive sweating (such as exercise) for at least a week.
• Avoid using any makeup or skincare products on your lips for at least a week.
• Do not submerge your face in water (such as swimming or taking a bath) for at least a week.
• If you experience any itching or discomfort, do not scratch or rub your lips. Instead, gently tap or press them with clean fingers.
•Avoid eating spicy or acidic foods for at least 48 hours.
•Be aware that the color of your lips will appear darker immediately after the procedure and will lighten over time as they heal.